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Posts published in “Tracking”

Ride Along with Your Tech, Without Ever Leaving Your Shop

Ride Along with Your Tech, without Ever Leaving Your Shop!

Guest Blogger: Andrew Chermark, President, Smart Fleet

Initially used for security purposes – to locate stolen vehicles or assets – GPS systems have evolved into an HVAC business owner’s must-have productivity tool. You’re busy. Your dispatcher is busy. Your techs are busy. We’re all looking for ways to be more efficient.

What if you could be notified when a vehicle of yours has been in idle for thirty minutes, if it’s driving when it’s not supposed to, or if it needs an oil change? Would that help you get the most out of your vehicles?Read On!

Repeatable mis-steps that produce predictable bad results

Repeatable Mis-steps that Produce Predictable Bad Results

Guest Blogger: John Heilbrunn, President, FlashQuote Enterprises, LLC

Business experts have forever proclaimed how important “process” is for a truly strong and sustainable business model.  A “process” in simple terms is a series of repeatable steps that will produce predictable results.  The absence of process is often replaced by chaos.  In the contracting trade, chaos almost always turns into massive amounts of RED ink.

Here are 3 common missteps that often derail profitability from even the best-designed sales processes:

  • Delayed implementation of price increases into quoted sales prices. The HVAC industry is no stranger to price increases from every corner, all the time.

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What are Good Tracking Results?

What are Good Tracking Results?

We are often asked questions about what constitutes a good tracking result. Contractors want to know how many people should be coming to their website every month, or how many people should be calling or clicking through to their website from an email or a postcard. My answer is always the same: More than last time. (Or last month, or last year.)

Use services like Google Analytics and call tracking phone numbers to establish a baseline for all your marketing efforts –– and then continually work to improve those results. Yes, of course there are average industry results.… Read On!