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Posts published in “new customers”

Keep ’em happy

HVAC Happy Calls

It’s Friday morning.  You grab your second cup of coffee of the day and sit down to make a “happy call” to Mrs. Jones, the elderly customer you just installed a new ductless system for.  “How’s it going with the new system?” you ask her.

“Well, actually it’s not working right.”  She tells you.  You’re surprised to hear this, so you ask her a few questions and it turns out she’s just a bit confused by the remote.  But she didn’t want to call.  She didn’t want to be a bother.  And she admits she’s a little embarrassed that she can’t see the buttons well and figure out all this newfangled technology. … Read On!

Don’t Sell Ductless

Don’t Sell Ductless!


I know dozens of contractors making millions of dollars selling ductless mini-split installations.

But that doesn’t mean you have to. Maybe you have enough money already. Maybe you don’t want to grow. I know plenty of guys like that too, which is perfectly fine. (And it’s better for us guys who do want to sell more ductless.)


A Profitable Mini-Split Installation Business Needs a System.

Ductless mini-split installation becomes very profitable when you have a system. When you systematize your ductless business from front to back, sales, marketing and installation. But we all know systemization takes time and effort, so you might as well put it off for another season.… Read On!

HVAC at the Home Show

HVAC at the Home Show

Home shows are everywhere this time of year. 

Home shows can increase brand awareness and be a source of solid leads for your HVAC company.  They can also be a major time burner and expensive.  So make sure you are getting your money’s worth.  The idea is to look sharp and professional.  Friendly and approachable.  Interesting and enticing.  A tall order, to be sure.  Here are a few tips:

Advertise in advance.

Let your customers know that you’ll be exhibiting and offer a gift, discounted HVAC service or special drawing for those who stop by to see you. … Read On!

Too busy to breathe? It’s the perfect time to advertise!

Too busy to breathe? It’s the perfect time to advertise!

I know, I know.  You’re busy.  You can barely keep up.  Why in the world would you do any marketing NOW?!?  Let me answer that question with a question:  Why do you get up at 4am to go fishing?  Answer:  Because that’s when they’re biting.

If this is the year you’ve decided to seriously build up your customer base, plan to advertise in season.  Why?

Because HVAC is not sexy, folks.  Homeowners don’t want to think about you – unless they’re too hot, too cold, or something is broken.  And that happens…you guessed it… in season.Read On!