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Posts published in “Digital Marketing”

HVAC vs. The Internet

The internet is really good at making you a liar

Ah, the internet.  What a wonderous tool to help you grow your HVAC company.  What a confusing, royal pain in the rear it is. Just when you think you have a handle on how it works, it changes.  Just when you think your website is perfect, it needs an update.  Or something is no longer compatible.  Or JavaScript rolls out an update and suddenly things look wonky on your site.

Trying to predict the frequent shifts in what Google considers “best practices” is like trying to predict the stock market.  Grasping all the different platforms, functions, strategies and rankings is like hanging on to a wiggly 2-year old. … Read On!



It doesn’t work and also it does work.

People will tell you that SEO is the greatest thing since sliced cinnamon raisin bread. People will also tell you SEO doesn’t work.  It’s a waste of time and money.  They are both right.  It does and doesn’t work and it’s constantly changing.

Ten years ago, when SEO “worked” you could throw money at a website until it showed up first in search results.  Everyone clicked on your site and you made oodles of money.  That doesn’t work anymore.

In the meantime, as we were all getting on the SEO bandwagon, web design evolved. … Read On!

Organic Social Media Reach is Dead but Still Here

Organic Social Media Reach is Dead but Still Here

Like zombies, mullets and clove cigarettes organic reach is dead, but still here.  Actually, it’s most like zombies because if you don’t pay attention to it you might get bit.

We all read the HVAC marketing articles and listen to the industry experts.  The message is “you MUST be on social media.”  Get on facebook! Tweet the things! Post the stuff!  But why spend the time? Someone a little less practical will tell you that your social media efforts will create organic reach and create leads.  But here’s the truth:  It won’t. … Read On!